COMMEMORATIVE JOURNAL: Members may advertise in our Humanitarian of the Year Commemorative Journal which is given out at our Annual Golf Outing Dinner in September. Ad sizes available are business card to full page. Solicitation of this advertising opportunity begins in June.
HITCH-A-RIDE (Direct Mail Service): We invite members to participate in our Hitch-A-Ride quarterly mailer service. Members supply the Chamber office with 1,100 flyers (including their contact information) and we take care of the rest. The fee for this service is only $250. We offer a 10% discount for the year, payable in advance. Flyers are inserted in the envelope on a first-come first-serve basis. January 7, 2020 - April 7, 2020 - July 7, 2020 and October 6, 2020
EVENT SPONSORSHIP: MRCC holds over 35 events a year and many offer sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship for events run $150 - $10,000 depending on the size of the event and type of event.
EXHIBIT TABLES: At our larger events, MRCC offers members the opportunity to purchase exhibit space at a cost of $75 per table.
TABLE SIGN SPONSORSHIP: Table sign sponsorship is available for the year, or monthly. Member logo is displayed on each table at eleven monthly luncheons or breakfasts. Monthly fee is $50 or $500 for the year.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: All members in good standing are listed and are included in three sections: Directory, Category and Who's Who free of charge. Members may also purchase ad space, business card to full page. Ad sales for the 2021 Membership Directory and pricing will be available in January.
NEWSLETTER: Our quarterly newsletter, is sent electronically to our database and posted on our website so it can be viewed by the community at large. If you advertise for four (4) consecutive quarters and pay in advance, we offer a 10% discount! All color ads are hyperlinked to your company website. Artwork must be in pdf format. Please reserve early to guarantee your participation as space for ads is limited. The ad rates and sizes are listed below. 1/2 page, 4 3/4" H X 7" W, $200 1/4 page, 3 3/4" H X 3 1/2" W, $125 Business Card Size, 2 1/2" H X 3 1/2" W, $100 2020 ad due dates are January 22, April 22, July 22 and October 21
WEBSITE: Ads can be purchased by members on our website with a URL link to your company website. Prices range from $250 to $500 according to location. Ad spaces will be sold and assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Business Category Page - $250 six month period (300w x 200h pixels)
Home Page - $350 six month period (300w x 200h pixels)
Banner Ad - $500 six month period on home and all pages (banner size 640w x 79h and mobile size 208w x 250h)
Once your ad space is confirmed, ads must be submitted in jpg format. Please call the office at 201-529-5566 for ad space availability.
INNER CIRCLE SPONSORSHIP: Members have two options on this sponsorship. They may either pay $1,000 to have their logo displayed or purchase an advertising package for $2,100 which includes a variety of advertising campaigns. This sponsorship is offered twice a year.
CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP: Please call Maureen Huggins Executive Director at 201-529-5566 for more information.